Showing posts with label Desperate Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desperate Woman. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Desperate Woman

 Desperate Woman

Daily life experience Episode 1

As I settled in, pondering the theme for my new episode, an incident unfolded.

A woman entered my office, seeking assistance to type her documents. Although one of my employees was already helping her, the woman was insistent, urging the employee to hurry. Subsequently, she requested to have her phone charged, a service we could not provide since the employee was using a laptop for the typing task.

"Won't you turn on the generator?" she inquired.

"Even if I were to start the generator, it wouldn't be to charge phones, given the high cost of fuel," I responded.

Persistently, she inquired, "Where can I charge my phone?" pressuring the employee assisting her.

With no alternative, the employee paused her typing task to lead the woman to a charging station where she could pay for the service. Throughout, the woman's desperation was palpable, both for charging her phone and having her documents typed promptly.

Motivated by her urgency, I abandoned my planned episode to focus on typing the documents, completing them swiftly. However, just as I was about to print the documents, my solar inverter malfunctioned.

The unexpected breakdown left me speechless, yet I had no choice but to attempt a repair, holding onto hope. Just then, the woman returned from charging her phone.

"Are my documents ready?" she queried.

"I'm sorry, we cannot complete your job at this moment," I informed her.

Her frustration grew, "So, you're refusing to complete my work after I've waited?"

"As you can see, my inverter has just broken down, and I'm trying to resolve it. I can't promise the completion of your job," I explained.

Her rants escalated, blaming us for the mishap. Eventually, I retorted that it was sheer bad luck that led to the inverter's damage. She stormed off in dismay, exclaiming, "Oh my God, oh my God."

Indeed, some days start with joy but end in despair.

This ordeal of desperation not only interrupted my work but also led to a predicament with my solar inverter, the cost of which I'm yet to determine how to cover.


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  Time and Season (Episode 4) Daily Life Experience Written by: Engineer Stanley The persistent rain seemed endless, compelling me to wait...