Monday, June 10, 2024

A Dance of Digital Love


A Dance of Digital Love

Evening greetings spark a tender exchange, Morning brings cool replies, and affection's range. Church missed, and daily rhythms briefly align, Missed calls, misunderstandings in the night refine.

A request to see, declarations softly told, Navigations of distance, and plans to behold. In this digital age, where hearts are wide, Yet, find themselves often on opposite sides.

Messages sent like ships in the night, Hoping to catch a glimpse of each other's light. "I wasn't around," echoes softly, a missed chance, Okays and no’s, in this peculiar dance.

The careless whispers of "How was your day?" A simple "Cool," but so much more they convey. "I love you" sent across the digital waves, Finding solace in the bond that it saves.

In the shadows of missed connections and time, They weave through text, a rhythm, a rhyme. "Let me know when you're coming," a hopeful plea, For in each other’s presence, they long to be.

Opposite sides of a town, yet so near, In the quest for closeness, they conquer their fear. A tapestry of texts, a modern love’s quest, In each other, they find their hearts' rest.

As the night whispers to the dawn's early light, Their digital dance continues, bold and bright. Through the pixels and screens, their spirits soar, In this unlikely dance, who could ask for more?



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