Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Reality of Life


The Reality of Life

Children's aspirations are often a far cry from the harsh truths of existence.

The journey from dreaming about a future profession to actually embarking on that career path can be fraught with challenges.

·        I want to be a doctor

·        I want to be a nurse

·        I want to be a lawyer

·        I want to be a pilot

·        I want to be an Engineer

·        I want to be the president of  my country

While dreaming big is commendable, the true measure of success lies in actively pursuing those dreams to fruition.

Consider a child who aspires to be a lawyer but does not take their studies seriously, demonstrating a propensity to lie at the slightest provocation.

A secondary school student dreaming of becoming an Engineer yet avoiding Physics and other crucial subjects poses a significant question: How can one fulfill such a dream without conquering the foundational challenges inherent in the field?

It appears that many of the ambitions children label as dreams and visions are merely figments of imagination and illusion.

Interestingly, it is often those with the greatest dreams who find themselves entrenched in poverty.

Spending six years in secondary education, followed by five years in tertiary education, only to consider joining the police force post-graduation due to the stark realities of life underscores a pivotal issue. Options like enrolling in a police academy early on are overlooked, leading some to alter their age to qualify.

Life demands hard work and determination to achieve one's goals, as it doesn’t freely hand out desires and aspirations.

The women seen in the market today once harbored their own dreams. Many wished to change the world, only to have the world shape them into their current roles.

It is worth pondering whether taxi drivers once held dreams of a different future.

Envision a youngster who dreams of presidency indulging in frivolous relationships, mistakenly believing such actions pave the way to success. Unlike Joseph from the Bible who resisted temptation to maintain his integrity, today’s youth often seek such distractions, undermining their own aspirations.

Life's journey becomes easier when we choose the right path and harder when we stray.

The current trend of pursuing quick gains through questionable means without considering the consequences is alarming.

Dreams gradually fade when confronted with the reality that life often delivers the opposite of what one hopes for.

Ultimately, individuals tend to become products of their circumstances rather than the person they once dreamed to become.


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