Tuesday, June 4, 2024




Being truthful often demands considerable sacrifice, as it can lead to offense and critique from others.

A woman approached Obim, requesting his services to design and print a Marriage Certificate for her.

Right from their initial meeting, Obim sensed that the woman was deceitful about the circumstances surrounding the loss of her marriage certificate.

Though producing a new certificate wouldn't pose a challenge for Obim, he is a young man of high integrity.

The woman professed to be a member of a church in Oguta, naming it "The Lord's Freedom Church."

When Obim requested the church's detailed address, she was unable to provide it, offering instead a series of unconvincing excuses. "Madam, please, could you at least provide the church's logo?" he asked, but she declined.

She left only her contact number behind, promising to furnish the requested details later.

After a lapse of four working days, she returned to Obim for the same service.

"Greetings, madam. It's been a while since we last communicated," Obim remarked.

She explained, "Ah yes, a friend suggested I switch to 'Catholic Church' instead of the previously mentioned one."

Obim inquired, "Does the church authority know about this marriage certificate?"

Her inability to provide a clear explanation and retorting, "If you can't do the job, just say so," strongly indicated her intent to forge the document.

Confronted with her evasion, Obim definitively stated, "Madam, perhaps it's best you seek assistance elsewhere, as I wish to avoid any involvement in forgery."

Reflecting on his past experiences in computer-related services, Obim's decision was firmly rooted in honesty.

 The Story of Obim (Part 6)

Written by

Engr. Stanley


June 4th, 2024


Time and Season

  Time and Season (Episode 4) Daily Life Experience Written by: Engineer Stanley The persistent rain seemed endless, compelling me to wait...