Saturday, June 15, 2024

THE TALENT OF A YOUNG CHILD (The story of Obim part 14)



Reflecting on Obim's experiences during his primary school days, it's clear he had a penchant for solitude and creativity. He was deeply engaged in drawing, practical projects such as electrical wiring, and constructing various devices including toy cars, electric irons, and microwave ovens. He was also adept at repairing electronics. His dedication to his dreams was evident, as he often forewent food to see a project through to completion.

One notable project was the construction of a toy car, which necessitated the development of a remote control. Despite the daunting nature of this task for a child, and the challenge of sourcing the right materials, a breakthrough came unexpectedly. After falling asleep while mulling over the remote's mechanism, he dreamt of building it. Upon waking, he was able to construct the remote control with ease.

On another occasion, Obim's father took their malfunctioning TV to a nearby technician, unaware that Obim had already diagnosed the issue but hesitated to fix it for fear of being reprimanded. Observing the technician struggle, Obim offered his assistance. With the TV already disassembled, he fixed it in a mere three minutes, in full view of his astounded father. The technician, impressed by Obim's skill, jokingly called him his master and they shook hands. He also recommended that Obim's father support his talents with higher education to further his skills.

Read Next: The story of Obim part 15


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