Friday, June 7, 2024


On That Fateful Day

Ada, the class prefect, added Obim's name to the list of noise makers, despite him being notably quiet in class that particular day.

UponT her arrival, the class teacher called for the names of the noise makers. Ada presented her list.

Surprisingly, Obim's name topped the list.

Feeling unjustly punished for a misdemeanour he did not commit, Obim was seething with anger.

Despite the teacher's efforts to discipline him through caning, Obim refused to shed tears. Instead, he maintained a smile and confidently said "Odi eshi," a phrase in their local dialect, after each stroke.

Following the teacher's departure, Obim saw an opportunity for retaliation. He confronted Ada with a fierce determination, punishing her for wrongly accusing him.

This incident prompted the school administrators to take a closer look at Obim's behaviour.

Auntie Elizabeth, affectionately known as "Auntie Eliza" by the students, decided to intervene by giving Obim24 more strokes of the cane. Yet, he simply smiled and uttered his signature phrase, "Odi eshi".

During these moments, Obim's resilience earned him admiration from his peers, as they lauded his courage and ability to endure punishment without faltering.

Some students even began to imitate Obim, admiring his capacity to withstand pain.

Obim's reputation reached the ears of the most feared teacher in Adimeri nursery and primary school, Oguta, known for his strict disciplinary methods. It was widely believed that no unruly child could withstand his punishment.

Even after classes had ended, students lingered, curious about Obim's fate. The teacher demanded Obim to kneel and face the wall during their lesson, asserting his authority in front of the class.

After a prolonged wait, with the teacher seemingly indifferent to Obim's punishment as if caning had no effect on him, Obim grew impatient. The teacher, left with no alternative, administered48 strokes of the cane. Yet, instead of crying, Obim smiled and repeated "Odi eshi," much to the teacher's astonishment and the incredulity of all who witnessed it.

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