Monday, July 1, 2024

Time and Season

 Time and Season

(Episode 4)

Daily Life Experience

Written by: Engineer Stanley

The persistent rain seemed endless, compelling me to wait for Favour to purchase an egg roll, a task that became unexpectedly prolonged. Despite my growing hunger, I persevered. Ironically, I found myself short on cash yet decided to remain true to my principles.

The dilemma of parting with the last bit of cash in my pocket for someone else’s need was incredibly tough.

Visiting my younger brother's house, we engaged in deep conversations, nostalgically recalling memories of our late father, an esteemed farmer in his prime. Remarkably, the current state of Nigeria's economy would have been advantageous for him had he been alive.

It was challenging to seek any financial assistance from my brother, given the general expectation for me to be the benefactor within my circle.

Encountering a man on my way home turned intriguing when, upon approach, our greeting turned into a humorous exchange about lending him five thousand naira. My joking response about future money was met with his unexpected seriousness on the matter. Realizing the irony of my situation—debating how to ration my own scant resources for a meal—left me to politely deflect with a promise for the weekend, before departing.

In a nearby shop, I found myself purchasing a cup of rice for five hundred naira, a situation I found mildly embarrassing due to my usual status but was necessitated by circumstance.

The myth that wealth is a constant companion is misleading; even the affluent face periods of financial strain. The essence of endurance becomes vivid, knowing that although hardship may last through the night, morning always heralds joy.



The Story of a Single Mother

 The Story of a Single Mother Daily Life Experience (Episode 5) Written by: Engineer Stanley Mma is a beautiful girl from a village named ...