Thursday, August 15, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

My daughter, I sincerely apologize for my actions during your traditional marriage. I did not intend to cancel it; in Igbo land, it is considered an abomination for a man to pour away the drink that symbolizes union.

I wish I could turn back the hands of time. However, it is essential that you find strength amidst this situation. Today is supposed to be your wedding day as planned, so I don’t want you to spend the entire time crying. Instead, let’s go to the hospital and be with your fiancé; perhaps our presence will hasten his recovery, Adaora's father said.

Your mother and I are willing to give both of you our blessings, and I pray he wakes up soon.

The two families gathered at the hospital, anticipating that Adaora’s fiancé might awaken from his coma.

Adaora couldn't stop crying; her tears were uncontrollable. In her frustration, she wore her wedding garment to the hospital despite her friends urging her not to. Many believed that Adaora had lost her mind. The pastor, who was meant to marry the couple, was invited to pray for Adaora's fiancé.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the pastor was surprised to see Adaora in her wedding garment. Nevertheless, your faith has saved your husband. As the pastor was still speaking, Adaora's fiancé awakened from his coma. The doctor was left speechless for about15 minutes while running tests to assess the possibility of his quick recovery. It’s a divine healing, the pastor assured.

What is happening here? Adaora's fiancé asked, amazed to find himself in the hospital surrounded by family, in-laws, and friends. None of them were willing to explain what happened; instead, they replied, "It's your wedding day."

Please allow him to rest, the doctor advised.

Adaora and everyone present, who witnessed the miracle, were filled with excitement and praised God.

Adaora came prepared as if she had known her fiancé would wake up.

Is there anything that could prevent this wedding from taking place today? The pastor asked, testing their faith in God.

When God says yes, no one can say no, Adaora's father replied joyfully, blessing both of them according to tradition. The pastor proceeded to marry them as a couple right there in the hospital.

Adaora's tears turned into joy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Your Highness, there is no need to inform Umuada and our wives about what transpired. Regarding the oil company you mentioned, I will be involved.

This brings to mind, who is that boy whom the medians referred to as Prince?

He is my daughter's son; according to our land's tradition, he is also my son and will succeed me when I join my ancestors. You know very well that the man who impregnated my daughter did not pay her bride price and cannot reclaim Nkem under the current circumstances, the King replied.

I find myself contemplating why our family struggles with childbearing. Our late brother, the King, died without any heirs, and I took over because there was no one else to succeed him. On my side, I have only one child, "Mma." Our sister, the youngest, is facing issues with her husband due to her barrenness. As for you, you are experiencing the same issue, which I believe is what initially drove your wife to seek comfort elsewhere, though her reasons could never justify bringing another man into her husband's house, the King added, recounting their family challenges.

So how do we find a solution to our family's problems? Mma's Uncle inquired of his brother, the King.

I believe we should take the time to invite the Catholic priest for a family liberation.

As their discussion progressed, the chief priest interrupted their private conversation, despite the guards' attempts to halt him.

Mma's Uncle greeted him, saying, "Eyes of the gods, now that you have come to the palace, I hope there are no issues?"

The chief priest delivered a message in parables and departed without clarifying for them to understand.

Maybe he is upset that I have never consulted him since becoming King. Nevertheless, let us continue our conversation, the King suggested.

I have a feeling that his message relates to our family problem we were just discussing, replied Mma's Uncle.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Long live the King! Mma's Uncle greeted his brother, the Eze Igwe III of Umuazu Accent Kingdom.

With the look on your face, I don't think all is well, the King replied.

The King ordered the guards to leave so they could have a private conversation.

It's about my wife, Mma's Uncle intended to confide in his brother.

What happened to your wife? Did she fall sick? The King asked, eager to understand the situation.

It would have been better if she were sick. The worst has happened to me, Mma's Uncle lamented.

He brought out his phone and showed it to the King. Upon seeing it, His Royal Highness shouted, "Abomination! Abomination!"

You mean you caught your wife naked with another man? the King asked, bewildered.

I did everything a good husband should, but what did I get in return? She didn't just cheat on me; she betrayed my love for her.

Igwe, I have lost everything: my car, my job, my house, and even my lifetime savings are gone because of the woman I married and cared for like any good husband should.

What am I living for? I am childless. Tell me, what exactly am I living for? I just feel like dying, Mma's Uncle cried bitterly.

Please don't say that. You are still young and can bounce back. Besides, you never mentioned to me that you had financial issues when you came for my coronation.

I have good news: Two oil companies are coming to our village. I wanted to send for you when we reached a final agreement with them. I suggest you stay back so you can represent me in our next meeting, the King said.

As for your wife, she will hear from Umuada when she is summoned, the King added.


Friday, August 9, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

My daughter, you missed the directions to my house, Mma's Uncle reminded her.

But Uncle, I lived with you and your wife, so I know your house very well, Mma replied.

As I mentioned earlier, it's a long story. My wife and I have just moved to a smaller apartment. I used my house as collateral for the money I borrowed from the bank to invest in my wife's business, but she squandered all the funds. As I speak to you, I've lost my job. Things are very hard for me now, Mma's Uncle explained.

Okay, let me drop you off at your new apartment. I will come by next time to see if there's any way I can assist you, Mma replied.

Mma's Uncle had no idea that a bigger trouble awaited him at home.

Mma dropped her Uncle off and left with Ejike, who was riding behind her.

Upon entering the compound, he couldn't find the car he had left before traveling to the village. He went inside to find out from his wife. The wicked woman had no idea her husband had returned; it's just as well he hadn't called her before coming back.

Mma's Uncle caught his wife with another man in his matrimonial bed. He pulled out his phone, took pictures of both of them as evidence of what he saw, and left the house immediately without saying a word.

The wicked woman and her lover trembled in fear of the consequences for the abomination they had committed.

At the hospital, an unknown number sent Kunle's voice note to Adaora's father-in-law to be.

Are you saying Kunle set my son up just to ruin his marriage? I will ensure he rots in jail, roared Adaora's father-in-law to be in anger.

Adaora became increasingly frustrated as her fiancé remained in a coma for over five days.


Thursday, August 8, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Upon realizing the extent of the havoc he had wreaked, Kunle retreated into hiding.

Ejike, along with Eriana's husband, was equally astounded; however, they maintained their composure, hopeful for the recovery of Adaora's fiancé.

Merely three days before the coronation, Mma's Uncle made the journey to the village on foot in an effort to economize, oblivious to his wife's malevolent schemes.

Unknown to him, his wife liquidated his car along with other prized possessions, intending to gift the proceeds to her clandestine lover.

The motivation behind her relentless financial demands from her husband was her secret lover.

Her husband, utterly unsuspecting, remained in the dark about her deceit, his affection for her blinding him to the truth.

Notwithstanding their25-year marriage yielding no offspring, he declined to marry another, steadfast in his loyalty despite their childlessness.

The coronation was a resounding success, witnessing Mma's Father being anointed as the Eze Igwe IV of the Amazu Accent Kingdom.

The ceremony was graced by fifteen kings, each bringing along princes who quickly displayed an interest in marrying Princess Mma.

A few days post-coronation, as Princess Mma and her son Prince Nkem were making plans to depart for the city, her parents persuaded them to remain a while longer due to the influx of suitors vying for Mma's hand, among them Ejike, who, despite his visit, had yet to declare his intentions.

Prince Nkem, hoping to extend their stay, pointed out, "Mom, let's linger a bit; my school hasn't resumed yet."

Exasperated, she retorted, "Would you kindly remain silent if you’ve nothing of substance to say? I have my affairs in the city, plus we've already overstayed our welcome, lingering over two weeks in the village."

Conceding, Princess Mma decided, "Fine, you can remain here; I'll return for you once your school reopens."

Upon spotting Mma’s Uncle at the village parking area, preparing for his travel back to the city, Princess Mma and Ejike approached to extend their greetings.

"Good afternoon Uncle," Princess Mma offered warmly.

"Good afternoon, Princess Mma," he responded, his tone carrying a hint of remorse.

Princess Mma inquired, puzzled, "You returned for the coronation, yet I saw you not; we even passed by your residence."

Her Uncle, burdened with regret, confessed, "Indeed, my daughter, I came for the coronation. Yet, shame over how my wife and I have mistreated you prevented me from making myself known. Now, I'm engulfed by troubles. Please forgive me for backing my wife and neglecting your counsel," he pleaded for her forgiveness.

Princess Mma, with a heart of forgiveness, assured him, "It’s fine Uncle, I have forgiven you."

In an effort to switch topics, she introduced, "Please meet my friend Ejike. Ejike, this is my Uncle."

Noticing his absence of a vehicle, Princess Mma queried, "Uncle, you didn't bring your car? What happened?"

He responded, "It’s a tale too long for now, my daughter."

Offering kindness, she suggested, "Come, join me in my car for a ride. As they headed to the city, they engaged in an extended discussion, with Ejike trailing behind in his vehicle."


Wednesday, August 7, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

As the ceremony unfolded, many departed amidst the chaos. However, Mma and Eriana remained by Adaora's side, offering support and urging her to find strength, cease her tears, and seek a solution.

The groom pleaded, "Please, speak to Adaora and her parents for me. I was led astray by my friend Kunle's poor advice, and now I find myself ensnared in this disaster."

"Kunle?" exclaimed Mma and Eriana in unison.

"That explains everything," they both remarked.

"Explain what? Are you keeping something from me?" the groom pressed.

"You should ask Adaora, your fiancée. She can explain it better," Mma suggested.

This exchange plunged the groom into deeper confusion, as he pondered the unknown conflict between his fiancée and his friend Kunle.

Adaora confessed, "Kunle has been pursuing me, despite knowing I'm committed to you. He never stopped sending gifts, which I consistently refused. When I tried to discuss this with you, you dismissed my concerns. Astonishingly, just five days before our traditional marriage, Kunle implored Mma to convince me to call it off, claiming his love for me. Infuriated by his audacity, Mma slapped him and showed him the door. Despite my warnings about your friends, particularly Kunle, you still chose him as your best man."

Meanwhile, a leaked audio conversation surfaced, showcasing Kunle admitting to a wager of ten million Naira to seduce Adaora.

The revelation was so shocking that the groom suffered a heart attack upon hearing it.

They rushed him to a local village hospital, where the doctor recommended a transfer to a city hospital due to inadequate medical facilities.

Rumors of his death began to circulate shortly after.

Adaora was left in a state of immense distress.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Adaora's eagerly anticipated traditional wedding ceremony finally took place.

The ceremony was a magnet for dignitaries and high-profile individuals, whose presence lent a grandeur to the festivities.

As the event proceeded without a hitch, an unexpected twist occurred.

A close friend of Adaora's imminent husband pulled him aside to caution, "I suggest you refrain from drinking the palm wine. I'm wary of some Redcap Chiefs possibly poisoning your drink. Just discreetly dispose of it and act as though you've consumed it."

Unaware of the consequences, the groom-to-be heeded his friend's ill advice.

In a revered tradition, Adaora's father blessed the palm wine and presented it to Adaora, signaling her to reveal her chosen spouse to all in attendance.

The joyous atmosphere was palpable as Adaora, escorted by the Ashebi, danced gracefully around, seeking her groom. Upon locating him and kneeling to offer the wine, he subtly spilled it onto the ground, transforming the festivity into chaos. Elders immediately recognized the gravity of his actions, exclaiming, "Abomination! Such an act is unprecedented in the history of the Umuazu Accent Kingdom."

Enraged by the breach of tradition, Adaora's father declared the marriage null and void. Adaora retreated in distress, while the groom's family expressed their profound disappointment in his actions.

The groom's friend, harboring secret affections for Adaora, felt a twisted satisfaction, having achieved his aim of sabotaging the marriage.

The gathered guests were engulfed in embarrassment by the turn of events.

Blame was squarely placed on the friend by the groom, who realized the calamity his advice had spawned.

The unfortunate collapse of Adaora's Traditional Marriage became a tale that resonated deeply within the community and beyond.

In a plea for forgiveness, the groom implored, "Please accept my apologies, my dear in-laws; it was an unintended mistake," although his pleas fell on deaf ears.

This incident inadvertently provided fodder for Adaora's detractors, who wasted no time reveling in and spreading the gossip.

Monday, August 5, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Ejike, Mma, and Nkem traveled to the village to attend Adaora's traditional marriage ceremony. Their appearance at Nze Okoro's house during an elders' meeting sparked reactions as they were greeted with "Welcome our in-law."

The misconception even extended to Mma's parents, who confused Ejike for Nkem's father. Ejike, a young man with fair complexion, exudes wealth through his appearance, making him look distinguished.

Mma's mother discreetly approached her husband, Nze Okoro, expressing her concerns.

"My husband, with the young man's visit, it's evident he intends to proceed with our daughter's marriage rites. Once that is done, he will officially reclaim Nkem," voiced Mma's mother, filled with anticipation.

"I find no fault in that. I'm relieved the man who impregnated our daughter at such a young age is responsible. Perhaps our daughter was in a relationship with him but feared telling us the truth," Nze Okoro pondered aloud.

"Let's summon Mma, our daughter, to ascertain if the gentleman has come to propose marriage," added Nze Okoro optimistically.

Their discussion with Mma revealed that Ejike was not Nkem's father, leading Mma's mother to inquire, "Who then is Nkem's father?"

As Mma was about to reveal the truth, she became overwhelmed with emotions, bursting into tears. The effort to calm her down was interrupted by the arrival of Ejike and Nkem, who were taken aback by Mma's distress.

After Ejike shared the tale, Nze Okoro and his wife empathized deeply. "So, a mere gateman fathered our daughter's child. No wonder she was too ashamed to speak up. We must instill in Nkem our customs and show him the fatherly affection he lacked," resolved Nze Okoro.

"How far is Adaora's house from here?" Ejike inquired.

"It's not very far," Mma responded.

Subsequently, Ejike and Mma decided to visit Adaora's house together.


Saturday, August 3, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Life turned exceedingly difficult for Mma's Uncle and his wife as they embarked on their tough journey. He secured a loan from the bank and invested it in his wife's business. Unfortunately, she squandered all the money, leading to the closure of her business. Despite not having children, she kept making extravagant demands from her husband, leaving one to wonder on her expenditure. The situation worsened when the bank seized their house, which had been put up as collateral.

Unwavering, she failed to heed the warning signs. Mma's Uncle proposed relocating to a more affordable dwelling, but his wife staunchly refused.

A cautionary tale surfaces: a man dominated by his wife's whims may only recognize his folly when recovery is beyond reach. He found himself unemployed, stripped of his sole income, with his wife still resistant to any form of economizing.

“We shall be traveling to the village for my brother's coronation as Eze Igwe III of the Amazu Accent Kingdom,” Mma's Uncle announced, envisioning a semblance of joy amidst their turmoil.

In response, his wife decided to concoct a prank.

“Darling, I neglected to tell you - my mother's birthday falls on the same day as the coronation. We must celebrate in my village instead,” his wife cunningly said.

“Truly? In that case, we'll send a message and a birthday gift to your mother,” Mma's Uncle offered, attempting to mediate.

“No, we are attending my mother's birthday in my village, end of discussion,” she declared with finality.

“What then, shall we purchase for your mother's birthday?” Mma's Uncle inquired, seeking compromise.

“Simply buy her a car and a few other things, that's all,” she casually replied.

The suggestion left the man in utter disbelief.

“From where do you expect me to conjure such funds? Times are especially hard for us; I'm jobless and contemplating selling our cars to start a business I can manage,” Mma's Uncle explained, the weight of their predicament bearing down on him.

Their home turned into a battlefield as she berated her husband, hurling insults and exacerbating their strife.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

The incident  left Mma and her son deeply shaken, grappling with the unintended consequences of her efforts to reconnect her son with his father - an endeavor that tragically culminated in the worst experience of her life. This event was particularly harrowing for Nkem, who had to witness his biological father's death.

The predicament extended to the two other girls he had impregnated, along with their mothers, who found themselves at a loss for what to do next.

Nkem spent three days isolated in his room, withdrawing from food and conversation, a situation that only compounded Mma's grief.

Despite her attempts to persuade Nkem to leave his room, he remained inside, unresponsive to her efforts. It wasn't until Ejike hurried to Mma's residence after receiving her distressing text message that a glimmer of hope appeared.

Ejike endeavored to uplift both Mma and Nkem's spirits by taking them out, although he himself was saddled with sorrow for the loss of his former gateman.

Ejike invariably puts others' happiness above his own, demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice for their well-being.

"Can we go to the village together?" Ejike inquired, suggesting a change of scenery.

"Yes, but I need to inform my parents first," Mma responded, contemplating the logistics of the trip.

"However, I have one condition," Mma added affectionately.

"What might that be?" Ejike asked, curious about her stipulation.

"You must stay with us in the village for at least two weeks because Adaora's traditional marriage is next week, and my father's coronation is scheduled for the following week," Mma explained, outlining the packed agenda.

Ejike, showing his deep affection, replied, "I could spend my entire lifetime in the village with you."

"I've already taken leave because of Adaora's traditional marriage; her husband is a close friend of mine," Ejike shared, highlighting his connection to the upcoming events.

The mutual warmth and understanding between them was evident as they exchanged smiles, acknowledging their shared anticipation.



  THE STORY OF MMA EPISODE 35 Daily Life Experience Written by: Engineer Stanley My daughter, I sincerely apologize for my actions during ...