Monday, June 10, 2024


 Obim's Challenging Period

The class teacher began to fail Obim as a way to punish the young student.

Despite the school headmaster's instructions, Obim was not promoted to the next grade.

For Obim, this was a significant challenge as he was labeled a failing student, despite being one of the smartest in his class.

It has become a practice for some teachers to punish students by failing them in exams, regardless of the students' actual abilities. To excel academically, it seems students must adhere strictly to their teachers' expectations.

According to this logic, a student's intelligence is measured not only by their academic performance but also by their compliance with their teachers.

The animosity between Obim and his teachers persisted.

However, during a practical exercise, Obim's performance was outstanding, showcasing that practical results are undeniable.

After moving to the nearby community of "Egwe," Obim transferred schools, where he completed his primary education.

At Trinity High School in Oguta, the school culture seemed to encourage Obim's previous behavior.

While Obim is naturally quiet, he is valiant in his actions. Often underestimated due to his reserved demeanor, he stands his ground when necessary, refusing to be taken advantage of.

When Auntie Ifeoma punished Obim, she was surprised to hear him utter "odi eshi," a phrase he frequently used during his primary school years.

Sir KC, known for his severe disciplinary methods, took over Obim's punishment, subjecting him to kneel on the school field and imposing strict penalties. Yet, Obim's resolve remained unbroken as he repeated his slogan "odi eshi," leaving the teacher feeling defeated.

Obim was determined to remain stoic in the face of punishment, aiming to show courage rather than succumbing to pain.

No other student showed the same level of endurance to such stringent punishment as Obim did.

Obim excelled in creating inventions such as electric irons, microwave ovens, and toy cars, proving to be the top student in practical assessments.

He was also an exceptional artist, often surpassing his teachers in skill. One instance during a lesson highlighted his talent when students suggested their teacher step aside to let Obim draw instead.


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  1. Why would they punish the innocent child of his ability to endure pain during punishment

  2. I had similar experience too


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