Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lessons Embedded in the Heart (Episode 3)

 Lessons Embedded in the Heart

Episode 3

The way you treat those around you carves your memory into their hearts. Both joyful and painful memories become etched within.

Memories often transition, leading individuals to replicate their own experiences with others.

I recall a time during my childhood. My late father would keep us away from a family in our village, especially during visits to our rural home at "Ubi-Ogwuma Farm Land". I was always curious about his reasons.

One afternoon, whilst my parents were busy with farm work, I and my siblings were home. Neighborhood children came by, and one mentioned a place where mangoes could be found.

To our surprise, that location was the very place we were forbidden to approach. Despite this, it seemed untouched, as evidenced by the numerous fruits on the ground. So, we gathered some mangoes and left.

On our way back, we encountered my father. He inquired about our whereabouts upon seeing the mangoes in our possession.

I honestly explained everything. Though he was upset, he insisted we return the mangoes to where we found them. Despite his anger, I couldn’t understand why he held such disdain towards that family, especially in their absence.

Subsequently, my father disclosed the cause of his animosity towards them.

He described his past as a prosperous businessman, dealing in groundnuts in the North and palm oil in the East. His recounting was filled with nostalgia.

Curiosity arose as to why he ceased this lucrative trade, recalling how it once brought joy and snacks to my peers and me.

My father elaborated on a specific incident involving a canoe belonging to that family, which marked the beginning of his troubles.

Eager for details, I pressed on.

He recounted how accusations against him of using the canoe for nefarious purposes led to a major financial downfall, as he struggled to clear his name through expensive traditional oaths.

We were left speechless by his story. It revealed the profound impact of the incident on his life and the lasting bitterness it wrought, despite his initial reluctance to share this with us.

This unfortunate tale from my father's life has imprinted a significant lesson upon me, motivating me to document it.

Indeed, many memories shape and serve as our legacy.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Endure Hard Time Episode 2

Endure Hard Time 

Episode 2

Daily Life Experience

When life is going well, it's wise to save for the tougher times that lie ahead.

Life is ruled by time and seasons. Engage in activities you can manage and trust the Divine with the rest.

Despite the smiles we wear, there comes a time in everyone's life when smiles give way to tears or silent weeping.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, with a bright future on the horizon, then unexpectedly, a challenge appeared and the joy was gone.

It was through these experiences that the true meaning of endurance, as described in the Holy Scriptures, became clearer to me. Those going through tough times should strive to persevere with patience.

If you can appreciate the good times, then enduring the hard times is a part of life's principles.

The experiences shared in my previous episode, titled "Desperate Woman," taught me invaluable lessons.

Trust your instincts without doubt, for it is nature's way of communicating impending events. Deciphering these signs, however, requires deep insight and interpretation.

Have there been moments when you regretted not heeding your mind's guidance, or felt a sense of satisfaction for trusting it? This is common in our journey through life.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Desperate Woman

 Desperate Woman

Daily life experience Episode 1

As I settled in, pondering the theme for my new episode, an incident unfolded.

A woman entered my office, seeking assistance to type her documents. Although one of my employees was already helping her, the woman was insistent, urging the employee to hurry. Subsequently, she requested to have her phone charged, a service we could not provide since the employee was using a laptop for the typing task.

"Won't you turn on the generator?" she inquired.

"Even if I were to start the generator, it wouldn't be to charge phones, given the high cost of fuel," I responded.

Persistently, she inquired, "Where can I charge my phone?" pressuring the employee assisting her.

With no alternative, the employee paused her typing task to lead the woman to a charging station where she could pay for the service. Throughout, the woman's desperation was palpable, both for charging her phone and having her documents typed promptly.

Motivated by her urgency, I abandoned my planned episode to focus on typing the documents, completing them swiftly. However, just as I was about to print the documents, my solar inverter malfunctioned.

The unexpected breakdown left me speechless, yet I had no choice but to attempt a repair, holding onto hope. Just then, the woman returned from charging her phone.

"Are my documents ready?" she queried.

"I'm sorry, we cannot complete your job at this moment," I informed her.

Her frustration grew, "So, you're refusing to complete my work after I've waited?"

"As you can see, my inverter has just broken down, and I'm trying to resolve it. I can't promise the completion of your job," I explained.

Her rants escalated, blaming us for the mishap. Eventually, I retorted that it was sheer bad luck that led to the inverter's damage. She stormed off in dismay, exclaiming, "Oh my God, oh my God."

Indeed, some days start with joy but end in despair.

This ordeal of desperation not only interrupted my work but also led to a predicament with my solar inverter, the cost of which I'm yet to determine how to cover.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Campus Riot


Campus Riot

(The story of Obim part 20)

In the early morning, as we were heading to our lectures, we received news about a protest happening on campus due to an increase in tuition fees.

The demonstration initially felt like a spirited display of dissent against the hike in tuition fees, with students vocally chanting, "we will not agree, we will not agree" in unison.

From a distance, Obim observed the unfolding scene.

What began as a peaceful protest quickly escalated when some boys set the school's security house ablaze.

Moving towards the administrative offices, they tore down anything in their path.

Amongst them, certain individuals with criminal intent broke into offices to steal valuable items such as laptops and printers.

The school management was alerted to the fact that the protest had devolved into an excuse for stealing school property.

Individuals harboring malicious intent, armed with weapons, then proceeded towards the bank located within the school premises.

As Obim attempted to capture the events on video, he was accosted by the aggressors who nearly destroyed his smartphone. He was coerced into deleting nearly all its contents, ensuring no footage remained.

The sudden intervention of the army turned the school premises into a battleground, prompting students, including Obim, to flee for their lives.



Friday, June 21, 2024

Campus Life


Campus Life

The story of Obim part 19

During one of Melosky's computer sessions, a fellow lodge resident approached him while Obim observed from behind. She inquired if she could use his computer for an assignment. Inexplicably, Melosky proclaimed ownership of the computer right in front of Obim, disregarding politeness and the truth.

Obim quietly resolved not to hold a grudge against either party. Instead, he made a firm decision to pursue computer training to utilize his computer effectively.

His dedication to learning about computers ran parallel to his academic lectures. This endeavor marked a significant turning point in Obim's life, enhancing his knowledge considerably. Within just three months, Obim had surpassed many of his peers in computer proficiency, fueled by his passion for technology which aided in his studies and research.

Upon returning from lectures, Obim would sometimes find himself locked out, waiting for his roommate to finish with his female visitor.

Obim's discomfort grew with his roommate's habits, who often returned with friends and consumed food without saving any for him.

The irony of having a roommate who claimed to be penniless yet frequently purchased new clothes did not escape Obim, who found himself using his funds to provide for both of their meals.

While his roommate never brought home groceries, Obim consistently contributed foodstuffs from visits to his parents' farm, ensuring they both had provisions.

Over time, Obim observed his roommate's preference for accepting money, feigning that his parents had provided nothing.

It was common for students to request food from others under pretenses, such as having soup but no garri, only to seek additional provisions elsewhere.

Visits between students often had the ulterior motive of sharing a meal, with guests hinting at their hunger by asking if the host had prepared any food.


Thursday, June 20, 2024




(The story of Obim part 18)

During his first year of tertiary education, Obim enrolled in a Computer course after discovering a fraudster who claimed to have made some payments on his behalf was actually depositing the money into his own account, not the school's.

With his limited savings, Obim purchased his first computer system. His educational journey from primary through secondary school had not afforded him any knowledge of computers, including the various components and their names.

At Tetlow Owerri, when Obim inquired about the cost of a computer, he was relieved to find the price was within his budget.

Pointing at the monitor, Obim asked, "How much is this?"

"5,000 naira," the seller responded. "Please, there's an accessory that connects with it, but I'm not sure of its name."

"Is it a UPS?" the seller suggested. "Yes," Obim confirmed.

At that moment, Obim was unaware of what UPS stood for.

The seller provided Obim with a monitor, a UPS, and a power cable. After paying, Obim returned to his lodging. Upon seeing the purchase, Melosky, his roommate, was elated until he questioned, "But where is the CPU?"

It was then that Obim realized his mistake, having bought a UPS instead of a CPU due to his lack of computer knowledge. To cover up, Obim hastily claimed he didn’t have enough money for the CPU.

Inwardly, Obim admitted the excuse was just to mask his ignorance. Subsequently, he visited Royal Computer's shop at Tetlow Owerri to purchase a System Unit. The shop had recently opened, as the owner informed Obim, who also guided Obim on additional accessories he might need, realizing Obim's limited knowledge of computers.

Obim acquired a System Unit, printer, software, VGA cable, power cable, mouse, keyboard, and more.

Thanks to his practical knowledge in Electrical and Electronics, Obim managed to set up the computer system. However, he could only use the system for basic functions shown by the seller.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024




(The story of Obim part 17)

The woman, overwhelmed with guilt, started crying, fearing death.

Bystanders pleaded with Obim, but he insisted that the woman must confess her actions to everyone present.

The news spread to the villages of Egwe, and astonishingly, Obim's aunt traveled all the way from Oguta to plead on the woman's behalf.

Obim felt vindicated by God, which was a relief to him.

"I will retract my curse and forgive you on one condition," Obim declared.

"Admit to everyone here whether the money you gave me was counterfeit. Was it fake or not?" Obim pressed her.

"Yes, it's fake. I don't know what overcame me; it was the devil's doing," the woman admitted.

"Keep all the items I gave you and take your money; you won't die. My words have been taken back; you are now free," Obim announced.

This episode reminded Obim of a time a neighbor came to purchase items worth500 Naira and attempted to leave without paying. "Madam, you didn’t pay," Obim remarked.

"I gave you a500 Naira note," the woman insisted.

Wishing to avoid conflict and believing in his own honesty, Obim stated, "Please, Madam, you can go, but I know you haven’t paid me. God is my witness."

The woman, realizing her mistake at home when she found the500 Naira note her husband had left for her, immediately returned to Obim's shop to apologize.

After she explained the situation, Obim accepted the money and was grateful for the divine vindication.

Everyone has unique ways of resolving conflicting situations.

Two wrongs cannot make a right. Life becomes simpler when you find the strategy that works best for you.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024




    The story of Obim (part 16)

During his time managing the shop before returning to school, Obim had an encounter one Saturday morning with a woman dressed in a white gown. She entered the shop and made a small purchase, handing over what appeared to be a1000 note for an item worth850. Obim, suspecting the note to be counterfeit, politely questioned the authenticity of the money and asked if she had another note to provide.

The woman became irate, insisting that the money was genuine and accusing Obim of swapping the note. Fortunately, Obim had no other1000 notes with him except the one given by the woman, which supported his claim.

As the disagreement escalated, Obim suggested that she take her money and make her purchases elsewhere, but she refused to return the items. Realizing the situation had intensified, Obim sought the insight of some elders present in his shop to examine the note.

The elders' response was disheartening, as they appeared indifferent, merely suggesting that Obim could either accept the note or refuse it. This reaction highlighted their unwillingness to stand for the truth, marking them as deceitful.

This incident made it clear why some elders are not held in high regard by the younger generation.

Obim decided to end the dispute by returning the money to the woman.

He then addressed her, saying, "Madam, please take your money and the items. I refuse to engage in a brawl, but I warn you, if you are guilty, you will not survive your journey."

Obim resumed his transactions with other customers while the woman remained in the shop, unable to leave.

When Obim noticed her reluctance, he urged, "Madam, please vacate my shop."

Bound by fear due to Obim's curse, the woman admitted, "I cannot leave because of what you've said."

Fearing for her life, she pleaded, "Please, let me go. I don't want to die."

Obim remained firm, replying, "Madam, I'm not preventing your departure, nor will I retract my curse. If you are guilty, death will come upon you as you cross the road."

Panic-stricken, the woman began to tremble with fear, desperately seeking the elders' intervention to plead with Obim on her behalf.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Follow Your Dreams (The story of Obim part15)


Follow Your Dreams

At Trinity High School Oguta, where Obim completed his secondary education, he made several observations about his teachers. One notable observation was the preferential treatment extended to their favorite students, contrasted by the disdain shown towards those labeled as stubborn students.

A good teacher is often characterized by their ability to transform a challenging student into a well-mannered individual. Unfortunately, Obim fell into the category of students whom some teachers believed would not achieve much in life, let alone pursue higher education.

Obim harbored dreams of achieving significance in the future, even if his path did not include further education. He frequently expressed his desire to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Computer Science.

The future is unpredictable for everyone.

Dreaming is good, striving to achieve those dreams is better, but realizing those dreams is the ultimate goal in life.

During this period of his life, Obim was already assisting his mother with her business alongside his schooling.

Following his secondary education in2008, Obim dedicated himself to his aspiration of becoming successful. By2010, while some of his classmates had begun their tertiary education or were registering for JAMB, Obim also embarked on the journey of registering for JAMB.

The influence of friends can either propel one towards their dreams or pull one away from them. In2010, Obim was admitted into Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, to pursue a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Upon returning to his alma mater to collect his original WAEC and NECO Certificates, Obim chose not to disclose his academic advancements. This decision stemmed from a recognition that many of his former teachers doubted his potential for further education.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

THE TALENT OF A YOUNG CHILD (The story of Obim part 14)



Reflecting on Obim's experiences during his primary school days, it's clear he had a penchant for solitude and creativity. He was deeply engaged in drawing, practical projects such as electrical wiring, and constructing various devices including toy cars, electric irons, and microwave ovens. He was also adept at repairing electronics. His dedication to his dreams was evident, as he often forewent food to see a project through to completion.

One notable project was the construction of a toy car, which necessitated the development of a remote control. Despite the daunting nature of this task for a child, and the challenge of sourcing the right materials, a breakthrough came unexpectedly. After falling asleep while mulling over the remote's mechanism, he dreamt of building it. Upon waking, he was able to construct the remote control with ease.

On another occasion, Obim's father took their malfunctioning TV to a nearby technician, unaware that Obim had already diagnosed the issue but hesitated to fix it for fear of being reprimanded. Observing the technician struggle, Obim offered his assistance. With the TV already disassembled, he fixed it in a mere three minutes, in full view of his astounded father. The technician, impressed by Obim's skill, jokingly called him his master and they shook hands. He also recommended that Obim's father support his talents with higher education to further his skills.

Read Next: The story of Obim part 15


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