Monday, July 29, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

When Mma and her son Nkem departed for the city as planned, she opted not to inform Ejike of their impending arrival at his house.

Mma debated internally, "Should I inform Ejike of our arrival? No, he might be at work by the time we get there."

Despite Nkem's attempts to engage his mother in conversation, Mma's somber mood kept her from responding.

Upon reaching Ejike's residence, they found it deserted, with the gate firmly locked. Attempts to reach Ejike by phone were unsuccessful, as his number appeared to be out of service.

This turn of events only added to Mma's growing frustration.<

In a moment of curiosity, Nkem inquired, "Is this my father's house?"

Frustrated, Mma directed him, "Get back into the car now," as they prepared to leave.

While driving to Ejike's workplace, they witnessed an altercation involving two women and Nkem's father, the gateman. Mma decided to stop.

"You think you can impregnate our daughters and just run away? Today, you will either kill us or we will kill you," the women declared, filled with rage.

As Mma approached, the gateman recognized her and managed to escape from the women, only to meet a tragic fate when a speeding trailer hit him as he crossed the road.

The shocking incident left onlookers in tears, screaming from the trauma of witnessing such a gruesome scene.

With tears in her eyes, Mma revealed to Nkem that the man was his biological father, expressing frustration over Nkem's persistent inquiries about him despite her warnings.

She lamented his unwillingness to acknowledge Nkem, emphasizing that her intention had been to reconcile them before fate intervened tragically. The crowd that had gathered remained at a distance, horrified by the condition of the deceased.


Sunday, July 28, 2024




Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Nkem swelled with pride when the locals referred to him as Prince.

"Where is Daddy?" Nkem yelled, thrilled about his first visit to the village.

Nze Okoro was delighted to welcome his grandson Nkem, the one destined to succeed him after his reign.

"Come here, my grandson," he said joyfully. "It's wonderful to have you and your mother visit. You've grown so much."

"Are you my grandpa? But Mom said we were going to see my dad in the village. She didn't tell me the truth," Nkem complained, his face twisted in a frown.

"My friends mock me for not having a father," Nkem admitted, tears streaming down his face.

Mma's mother pulled her aside for a private conversation. "Why haven’t you told him the truth about his father? He's such a smart boy," she inquired.

"He's too young to understand; that's why I've kept it from him," Mma defended her decision.

"Did you register his school forms under my husband's name?" asked Mma's mother.

"Yes, but a few months ago I saw Nkem's father working as a gateman at my friend's place. I was too upset to speak to him about our son; he took advantage of me," Mma revealed.

Little did Mma and her mother know, Nkem had eavesdropped on their conversation.

What was meant to be a happy reunion for Nze Okoro's family became overshadowed by Nkem's insistent demands to meet his biological father.

"What shall we do about this situation?" Nze Okoro pondered aloud.

"There’s no need for concern. I'll take him to see his father first thing tomorrow morning. I don’t know why he's dredging up my past," Mma responded, clearly frustrated.

"I'll take you to meet your biological father tomorrow. We'll be heading back to the city early in the morning," Mma assured Nkem.

Nkem's mood instantly brightened at the news.


Saturday, July 27, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

The journey from the city to the village was exceedingly smooth. Throughout the trip, Nkem bombarded his mom with questions, which almost irritated her.

Nkem's intelligence is undeniable; even his teachers tread carefully when they respond to his queries due to his sharpness.

"Why does a child of his age seek to understand nearly everything?" Mma wondered silently while attempting to devise an answer to his latest question.

"Nkem, can't you see I'm driving? I will address your question once we arrive at the village," she said, using it as a pretext. Although Mma is bright, Nkem's wisdom and high IQ set him apart.

As they neared their village, a group of youths who remembered Mma's car from her previous visit began to chant, "Welcome our Princess, Welcome our Princess."

"Mom, they're calling you Princess," Nkem observed, curious about the reason behind it.

"Yes, I am and so are you, Prince Nkem, because Dad is going to be crowned King in the next eight market days," she explained.

Overjoyed, Nkem responded, "Mom, that means I will become King in the future. I've always dreamed of becoming a leader, just like King Charles."

"Nkem, you talk too much. Could you be quiet just this once? Besides, I envision your future as a medical doctor," Mma countered.

At this, Nkem's expression soured as he thought to himself, "I don't want to be a doctor."

Upon arriving home, Mma was greeted by some villagers who joyfully welcomed her with the words, "Welcome, my princess."

Mma's mother was overjoyed to finally reunite with her grandchild after a lengthy anticipation.

Ecstatic, she exclaimed, "Wow, good to see you, my son. Come and give grandma a hug," unable to contain her excitement.

The villagers respectfully greeted, "Greetings, My Queen."

Discontented with the oversight, Mma's mother voiced, "Didn't you notice my grandchild? Is he not mature enough to warrant a greeting?"

Quickly remedying the situation, the villagers corrected themselves, "We apologize, my queen. Greetings, My Prince," extending their respect to Nkem.


Friday, July 26, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Mma and her son, Nkem, were making preparations for their journey to the village to attend her father's Coronation and Adaora's Traditional Marriage.

Mma: We will be traveling to the village tomorrow.

Nkem: Mom, do we have a village?

Mma: Yes, my son.

Nkem: Okay, Mom. So, I will see Dad when we travel to the village tomorrow?

Mma: Yes, but didn't I warn you never to bring it up again?

Nkem: I'm sorry, Mom.<

Gateman: Good afternoon, sir.

Ejike: Good afternoon, please open the gate for me.

Gateman: No, my Madam is not around.

Ejike: Open the gate, I will wait for her inside.

Gateman: No, sir. Just go, please.

While they exchanged words, Mma heard their voices and approached to investigate.

Mma: What is going on there?

Gateman: Nothing, madam.

Upon hearing Mma's voice, Ejike sounded his horn again and then alighted from his car.

"Why did you lie to me saying your madam isn't around?" questioned Ejike.

Mma and Ejike then proceeded inside to have a discussion.


Thursday, July 25, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Right around8:00am, Ejike was alerted by some commotion, only to discover two women and their daughters loudly berating his gateman, accusing him of impregnating both young women.

"What's happening here?" Ejike demanded.

One of the mothers, seething with anger, exclaimed, "Can you believe this? Your despicable gateman impregnated my daughter."

"And my daughter as well," the second woman added with equal vehemence.

"Please, let's all stay calm. Yelling won't fix anything. I'm utterly disheartened by this," Ejike stated, visibly upset.

Facing the gateman, Ejike's frustration escalated.

"Have you been using my security post as a love nest, engaging in liaisons with young women in my absence?" he confronted.

The altercation lasted nearly an hour.

"I must ask you to return later; I'm already late for work," Ejike hurriedly said.

"Fine, but we're leaving our daughters here. It's his duty to accept responsibility for their pregnancies," the women declared.

"No, you will take your daughters back home. It's the gateman's place, not mine, to provide them a home," Ejike insisted as he departed for work.

Ejike later recounted the morning's chaos over a phone call, saying, "You wouldn't believe the commotion at my house this morning before I left for work."

"What happened?" asked his friend.

"My gateman managed to impregnate two girls simultaneously. The noise from their mothers nearly brought down my house."

"Really? He impregnated two during these tough times? What are you planning to do?" his friend inquired over the phone.

"You know,15 years ago, my own gateman fled after a similar incident. A month later, a girl he impregnated came looking for him," his friend added.

Unbeknownst to Ejike, his friend was talking about Mma.

Upon returning home, Ejike found his gateman missing and the gate unattended. He was nowhere to be found, leaving Ejike with no choice but to enter and wait, though his gateman never returned.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

"Mma, you are so beautiful," Ejike said, his voice dripping with romance.

"Thanks, but you've said that countless times," Mma responded with a smile lighting up her face.

While driving, Ejike couldn't help but continue showering Mma with his romantic words.

"Just your smile is enough to brighten my day, even when I'm feeling down," Ejike professed.

"You're flattering me again with your words, but please focus on the road," Mma replied, concern lacing her voice.

With a playful tone, Ejike responded, "Your wish is my command, my princess," as a smile played on his lips.

Ejike then took her to one of the best restaurants, where Mma's beauty caused quite a stir, leading to some comical yet awkward situations among the other patrons. One girlfriend, unable to contain her jealousy, slapped her boyfriend and stormed out after catching him admiring Mma, exclaiming, "Can you believe this idiot? You're with me and still ogling another woman!" The tension prompted the other girlfriends to leave as well.

"Guys, we messed up, but honestly, this girl is stunning," one of the men commented, still in awe of Mma's beauty.

Mma and Ejike, oblivious to the commotion, enjoyed their time together, deep in conversation and fun.

"Thank you for going on this date with me," Ejike said, his appreciation evident.

"I caught you stealing my heart. Do you know why I didn't 'arrest' you?" Ejike playfully inquired.

"No, tell me why," Mma responded, intrigued.

"It's because I knew my heart would be safe with you," Ejike answered sincerely.

Taking out his smartphone, Ejike captured a picture of Mma.

"Why did you take a picture of me?" Mma asked, curiosity in her voice.

"So I can show our future children how beautiful their mother was when she was young," Ejike replied, a smile illuminating his face.

"You speak with such certainty. How sure are you?" Mma inquired.

"One hundred percent," Ejike replied fondly, his confidence unwavering.

The phone call that Mma received was from one of her salesgirls, informing her about the closing time and asking about taking Nkem along.

"Okay, I'm coming. Just give me a few minutes," Mma answered.

With hearts full of happiness, Ejike and Mma headed home, each lost in thoughts of the wonderful time they had shared together.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

"My daughter, we are nearly done with the preparations for my coronation," Nze Okoro informed Mma.

"You've truly made your mother and me proud. Who would have thought that after we disowned you, you would rise to such remarkable heights," Nze Okoro added.

The next day, Mma went back to the city as planned. She made her way directly to Nkem's school to pick him up. When they surpassed their usual turnoff, Nkem inquired, "Mom, haven't we passed our street?"

"I've secured a new apartment for us," Mma explained.

Upon arrival, Nkem was brimming with excitement.

"Mom, I absolutely adore this place. My room is stunning; I no longer wish to live in the hostel," declared Nkem.

"How quickly can you get ready? I'm dropping you at my boutique, where my sales assistant will look after you. I've got an appointment to keep," Mma said.

By now, Mma had resolved to go on a date with Ejike.

Mma sent Ejike a text, "Could you pick me up at my boutique as you suggested? I'll leave my car there."

Ejike, overjoyed, responded immediately, "Yes, heading over now."

"Good afternoon, Uncle," Nkem greeted.

"Wow, it's great to see you've grown so much, you're such a big boy now," Ejike remarked.

"Nkem, go inside, can't you see I have a guest?" Mma said sternly.

"You got here quickly, did you fly?" Mma teased.

"They say opportunity only knocks once. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, 'My Princess,'" Ejike confessed.

"Your Princess? Wait a minute. Has someone been talking about me?" Mma inquired with a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?" Ejike asked, eager for clarification.

"I'm curious, how did you know I am a Princess?" Mma queried.

"It's simple; my heart belongs to you," Ejike declared.

"Stop it with the flattery already, where are you taking me?" Mma playfully protested.

"It's going to be a surprise. Come on, let's get in the car and go," Ejike said enticingly.

And with that, they drove off.


Thursday, July 18, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Ejike sent a message to Mma, expressing his concern about not having received a response to his date request.

Mma responded with a text message, explaining that she had gone to the village but would be back soon. She suggested they could discuss the date upon her return.

While visiting the village market square, Mma's beauty captured everyone's attention, earning her the adoration as their new princess. However, some maidens whispered rumors about her pregnancy, questioning if she had terminated it since she returned without a child after many years.

The market women welcomed her warmly, offering gifts and addressing her as "My Princess."

Word of her return spread throughout the village, leading some maidens at the market to volunteer to carry the gifts to Mma's house since she couldn't manage them by herself.

Upon her arrival home, her parents were pleasantly surprised to see her accompanied by maidens laden with gifts.

The maidens greeted Mma's parents respectfully as "My King" and "My Queen."

Nze Okoro, warmly welcoming the maidens, responded with gratitude.

Mma's mother, surprised by the abundance of goods, remarked that Mma should have used her car for such purchases. Mma informed her that those were gifts from the market women.

Mma shared her experience at the market, expressing her astonishment at the attention and gifts she received, unsure of whether to accept or ignore them.

Turning to her father, Mma inquired about the preparations for his coronation, mentioning her plan to return to the city early the next morning but intending to visit her friend Adaora that evening.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

Adaora reached out to Mma over the phone.

"Mma, I have some news for you," Adaora announced on the call.

"So much has unfolded in the village. Unfortunately, the King has passed away; your Uncle, who was the Eze Igwe III of the Amazu Accent Kingdom, has been laid to rest," shared Adaora further.

Mma was overwhelmed with shock and began to weep uncontrollably.

"Please, Mma, try to compose yourself. The news of the King's demise wasn't the sole reason for my call," Adaora attempted to soothe her.

"Your parents were overjoyed with the gifts you sent them. Moreover, your father is poised to be crowned the next King, becoming the Eze Igwe IV of the Amazu Accent Kingdom," she conveyed the uplifting news.

"Do you grasp the significance? You'll be Princess, and your mother will ascend to the status of Queen," Adaora continued, building on the joyous future awaiting Mma.

Yet, Mma remained distraught over the loss of the King.

"I regret mentioning the King's passing initially; you really must gather your strength," Adaora admitted remorsefully.

"I'll be returning to the city in a couple of days," she then informed Mma.

The very next morning, Mma made her journey back to the village to reunite with her parents.

Her parents welcomed her with immense joy, having not seen her for years.

"My child, your mother and I deeply regret the way we treated you during your time of need," Eze Okoro confessed.

"We were blinded by our desire to protect our standing within the church, not realizing it only exacerbated the issues," Eze Okoro continued, expressing his remorse.

"It's all in the past now, Dad. Those times were challenging, but I am thankful for where I stand today," Mma responded with grace.

"When you left, you were pregnant. What happened to the child?" inquired Mma's mother with concern.

"I didn't bring him with me. I was supposed to pick him up today, but I hurried back to the village after hearing the news from Adaora," Mma clarified.

"His name is Nkem; he's grown so much," she shared fondly.

"He's a boy? This is wonderful news! At least there is someone to continue your legacy after your reign," Mma's mother exclaimed with happiness.

"Mma, whose red car did you arrive in?" Eze Okoro asked with curiosity.

"The car is mine; thanks to my friend Eriana's help, I have now achieved considerable success in the city," Mma proudly explained.


Monday, July 15, 2024



Daily Life Experience

Written by:
Engineer Stanley

"Have you tried reaching out to Mma's childhood friends, Eriana and Adaora? They might know Mma's whereabouts or at least have her contact," Adanne asked.

"Not really, but I don't think either of them is still in the village. The last time I saw them was when they came to plead on Mma's behalf, but my wife and I didn't give them the time of day. My wife said a lot of things that drove them away in anger," Nze Okoro responded.

"Well, I suggest going to see their parents; maybe I could get their contact numbers," Adanne said.

When she arrived at Adaora's house, she found it empty. Just as she was about to leave, Adaora arrived, honking her horn to signal her parents that she was back.

"Good afternoon, Auntie Adanne," Adaora greeted.

"Good afternoon, Adaora. It's good to see you. It seems your parents and siblings are at the farm. I've been knocking, but no one answered," Adanne said.

"Is everything okay? It's unusual for you to come by our house," Adaora replied.

"There's no problem. I'm actually here to see you. I was going to visit Eriana's house next, but something told me to come here first," Adanne explained.

"You look beautiful; city life must be treating you well," Adanne added.

"I have a message for your brother and his wife. Their daughter Mma asked me to deliver something to them," Adaora replied.

"Really? How is Mma? Is she okay? Her father sent me to collect your number from your parents, in case you knew anything about Mma's whereabouts," Adanne inquired.

"Mma is doing very well; she misses her parents a lot. Come, let's get into my car and go see Mma's parents," Adaora suggested.

"This is your car?" Adanne asked, curious.

"Yes, it is. I'm back in town for my traditional and white wedding preparations and I wanted to officially invite you," Adaora happily shared.

"This is indeed a double blessing - a car and a husband! I'm overjoyed for you," Adanne remarked.

They continued their conversation on the way to Mma's parents' house.

Nze Okoro was overjoyed to hear that Mma and his grandchild were doing well. Mma's mother apologized to Adaora for how she had treated her and Eriana before, likening them to "birds of the same feather."

Mma's parents joyfully accepted the gifts from their daughter Mma.



  THE STORY OF MMA EPISODE 35 Daily Life Experience Written by: Engineer Stanley My daughter, I sincerely apologize for my actions during ...