Monday, June 10, 2024




In the heart of a tumultuous storm, nestled within the walls of my cozy living room, I encountered a jolt that would reverberate through the corridors of my memory and teachings. There I was, sitting by my trusty solar inverter, the lifeline during power outages, my phone plugged in, absorbing power, while I indulged in the casual chatter of an online conversation. The rain beat against the windows, a symphony of nature's unrest, when suddenly, a thunderclap shattered the rhythm, sending a shock through the device and into me. My phone, once a beacon of connection, lay forsaken on the ground, as I grappled with the tangible fear that quaked through my bones.

This moment was not merely a shock to the system but a stark echo of a memory long buried. I was transported back to a time when I stood as a wide-eyed observer, watching my father experience a similar fate. He, too, sat too close to an electric device during a storm, our family's deep freezer his unwitting adversary. With my youngest sibling in his arms, a sudden bolt from the heavens sent a shock through his body, his shout of surprise igniting a pervasive fear that enveloped our home. That incident, while frightening at the moment, had since faded into the tapestry of family lore, a cautionary tale we would half-heartedly chuckle over.

Irony, in its most bitter form, presented itself to me on that stormy day. Here I was, a victim of the very circumstances I had often warned others against. For years, I advocated for the dangers of using electronic devices while charging, especially during a storm. Yet, in a moment of complacency, I found myself ensnared by the very trap I had so diligently flagged for others. This experience served not as a mere shock but as a humbling teacher.

The lessons gleaned from this event extend beyond the immediate physical jolt. They reminded me that no matter how far we may come or how knowledgeable we believe ourselves to be, vulnerability to oversight and accidents remains. My experience, mirrored by my father's years before, stands as a testament to the unpredictable power of nature and our interactions with the technological tools at our disposal. It has reignited within me a passion to educate, to share not just the theoretical warnings but the vivid realities that accompany our lapses in judgment.

With renewed vigor, I have taken this incident as a catalyst for conversation and learning. By sharing my story through articles and discussions, I hope to illuminate the risks of complacency when handling electronic devices, especially during weather disturbances. It is my desire that by exposing my own faults, others may heed the call to exercise caution, safeguarding themselves against the raw might of nature's fury intertwined with technology. In the end, it is through our shared stories and experiences that we can foster a safer and more informed community.

Thus, as the storm cleared and my heart found its steady beat once again, the lesson was clear: experiences, especially those sharp with shock, serve as the most poignant teachers. It is up to us to heed their teachings, share their wisdom, and protect not just ourselves but those within our sphere of influence from becoming another tale of irony.

A Dance of Digital Love


A Dance of Digital Love

Evening greetings spark a tender exchange, Morning brings cool replies, and affection's range. Church missed, and daily rhythms briefly align, Missed calls, misunderstandings in the night refine.

A request to see, declarations softly told, Navigations of distance, and plans to behold. In this digital age, where hearts are wide, Yet, find themselves often on opposite sides.

Messages sent like ships in the night, Hoping to catch a glimpse of each other's light. "I wasn't around," echoes softly, a missed chance, Okays and no’s, in this peculiar dance.

The careless whispers of "How was your day?" A simple "Cool," but so much more they convey. "I love you" sent across the digital waves, Finding solace in the bond that it saves.

In the shadows of missed connections and time, They weave through text, a rhythm, a rhyme. "Let me know when you're coming," a hopeful plea, For in each other’s presence, they long to be.

Opposite sides of a town, yet so near, In the quest for closeness, they conquer their fear. A tapestry of texts, a modern love’s quest, In each other, they find their hearts' rest.

As the night whispers to the dawn's early light, Their digital dance continues, bold and bright. Through the pixels and screens, their spirits soar, In this unlikely dance, who could ask for more?


Analyzing Parental Love

 Analyzing Parental Love Through Children's Eyes

The emotional bonds between children and their parents are complex, intricately woven with feelings, actions, and societal norms that dictate and influence these relationships from a very early age. The age-old question of whom a child loves more, their mother or father, does not only stir a pot of emotional debate but also unveils layers of deep-seated beliefs and practices prevalent in our society. This essay seeks to explore these notions, digging into the reasons behind children's evident preference for one parent over the other, and shedding light on the intricate dynamics that govern these relationships.

Why Children May Favor Mothers

Observations and anecdotal evidence suggest that a majority of children express a stronger attachment to their mothers than to their fathers. This phenomenon could be attributed to the traditional role that mothers play in the upbringing of their children. They are often the primary caregivers, the ones most children run to for comfort, nurturing, and immediate needs, especially during their tender years. This maternal presence and availability could be a simple explanation for this preference. Moreover, societal narratives and expectations reinforce this notion, glorifying the mother's role in a child's life while subtly sidelining the father's contributions.

Fathers’ Expression of Love

On the flip side, fathers traditionally express their love in less overt, more pragmatic ways. They are often the unsung heroes whose affections are displayed through actions, sacrifices, and the silent bearing of responsibilities. From working long hours to ensure financial stability to making significant life decisions with their children's best interests at heart, fathers contribute to their children's lives in profound ways. However, these contributions are sometimes overshadowed by the lack of verbal affirmations of love, leading to a perception that mothers are the more loving parents.

Societal Expectations and Their Consequences

The societal construct that men must be the providers has long-term effects on their relationship with their children. Men are conditioned to believe their primary role is to ensure their family's prosperity, often at the cost of personal sacrifices and health. This expectation leads them to prioritize work and financial stability, inadvertently creating a distance with their children. Such dynamics play a crucial role in the latter stages of life when parents need care. The bonds nurtured during early childhood often dictate the proximity of children to their parents in old age, regrettably leaving some fathers feeling isolated.

Reassessing Contributions and Acknowledging Both Parents

To attribute the success of a child's upbringing solely to the mother would be an oversight of the multifaceted roles both parents play. While mothers may provide the emotional and physical nurturing, fathers contribute a framework of stability and security that is equally vital. It's imperative to reassess our perception of parental roles and give due credit to fathers for their silent but significant contributions. Recognizing this balance is essential in fostering a more inclusive appreciation of both parents' roles in a child's life, ensuring that neither is undervalued.


The dichotomy in parental love and children’s perceptions thereof cannot be brushed aside as mere preference. It's a reflection of deeper societal constructs, expectations, and the traditional roles parents play. As we move towards a more balanced understanding of family dynamics, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the unique ways both mothers and fathers contribute to their children’s lives. The essence of parenting lies in the collective efforts of both parents, and recognizing this fact is the first step towards nurturing more wholesome and fulfilling familial relationships.



 Obim's Challenging Period

The class teacher began to fail Obim as a way to punish the young student.

Despite the school headmaster's instructions, Obim was not promoted to the next grade.

For Obim, this was a significant challenge as he was labeled a failing student, despite being one of the smartest in his class.

It has become a practice for some teachers to punish students by failing them in exams, regardless of the students' actual abilities. To excel academically, it seems students must adhere strictly to their teachers' expectations.

According to this logic, a student's intelligence is measured not only by their academic performance but also by their compliance with their teachers.

The animosity between Obim and his teachers persisted.

However, during a practical exercise, Obim's performance was outstanding, showcasing that practical results are undeniable.

After moving to the nearby community of "Egwe," Obim transferred schools, where he completed his primary education.

At Trinity High School in Oguta, the school culture seemed to encourage Obim's previous behavior.

While Obim is naturally quiet, he is valiant in his actions. Often underestimated due to his reserved demeanor, he stands his ground when necessary, refusing to be taken advantage of.

When Auntie Ifeoma punished Obim, she was surprised to hear him utter "odi eshi," a phrase he frequently used during his primary school years.

Sir KC, known for his severe disciplinary methods, took over Obim's punishment, subjecting him to kneel on the school field and imposing strict penalties. Yet, Obim's resolve remained unbroken as he repeated his slogan "odi eshi," leaving the teacher feeling defeated.

Obim was determined to remain stoic in the face of punishment, aiming to show courage rather than succumbing to pain.

No other student showed the same level of endurance to such stringent punishment as Obim did.

Obim excelled in creating inventions such as electric irons, microwave ovens, and toy cars, proving to be the top student in practical assessments.

He was also an exceptional artist, often surpassing his teachers in skill. One instance during a lesson highlighted his talent when students suggested their teacher step aside to let Obim draw instead.


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Saturday, June 8, 2024



The young child was led to the headmaster's office, by which time the other students had left, leaving only Obim's relatives who attended the same school waiting on the premises for him.

"I have received numerous reports about your behavior," stated the headmaster. A smile crept across Obim's face as he met the headmaster's gaze.

"Contrary to the punishments meted out by your teachers, who have informed me of your resilience to the cane, I shall opt for a different approach," continued the headmaster.

Obim regarded him with a brimming confidence.

"My decision is to confine you in my office for the night while I depart for home, leaving you as the sole occupant of the school," declared the Headmaster.

In a bold retort, Obim challenged the headmaster to scrutinize his office for anything of value, insinuating that unless the headmaster removed all his possessions from the office, he might return to find them in disarray.

Further asserting his defiance, Obim threatened, "I will create chaos in your office, damaging your books, chair, and table, and I will still find a way to escape."

The headmaster, taken aback by Obim's fearless manner of speaking, decided on the spot to allow him to leave.

With a triumphant air, Obim exited the office, eagerly recounting the ordeal to his waiting relatives.

Reflecting on the situation, the headmaster realized that a more tactful method was necessary to address Obim's behavior.

Unbeknownst to Obim, the Headmaster had plans in store for him that would soon unfold.


Friday, June 7, 2024


On That Fateful Day

Ada, the class prefect, added Obim's name to the list of noise makers, despite him being notably quiet in class that particular day.

UponT her arrival, the class teacher called for the names of the noise makers. Ada presented her list.

Surprisingly, Obim's name topped the list.

Feeling unjustly punished for a misdemeanour he did not commit, Obim was seething with anger.

Despite the teacher's efforts to discipline him through caning, Obim refused to shed tears. Instead, he maintained a smile and confidently said "Odi eshi," a phrase in their local dialect, after each stroke.

Following the teacher's departure, Obim saw an opportunity for retaliation. He confronted Ada with a fierce determination, punishing her for wrongly accusing him.

This incident prompted the school administrators to take a closer look at Obim's behaviour.

Auntie Elizabeth, affectionately known as "Auntie Eliza" by the students, decided to intervene by giving Obim24 more strokes of the cane. Yet, he simply smiled and uttered his signature phrase, "Odi eshi".

During these moments, Obim's resilience earned him admiration from his peers, as they lauded his courage and ability to endure punishment without faltering.

Some students even began to imitate Obim, admiring his capacity to withstand pain.

Obim's reputation reached the ears of the most feared teacher in Adimeri nursery and primary school, Oguta, known for his strict disciplinary methods. It was widely believed that no unruly child could withstand his punishment.

Even after classes had ended, students lingered, curious about Obim's fate. The teacher demanded Obim to kneel and face the wall during their lesson, asserting his authority in front of the class.

After a prolonged wait, with the teacher seemingly indifferent to Obim's punishment as if caning had no effect on him, Obim grew impatient. The teacher, left with no alternative, administered48 strokes of the cane. Yet, instead of crying, Obim smiled and repeated "Odi eshi," much to the teacher's astonishment and the incredulity of all who witnessed it.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024




School Days

During his time in primary school, Obim had a companion named Chinonso.

Chinonso, who has a fair complexion, is the son of a video bar owner where individuals pay to watch movies.

Their interests differed; Chinonso was into karate, whereas Obim preferred wrestling. Both of them were notably mischievous at "Adimeri Nursery and Primary School Oguta" during their primary school years.

Back then, the school was considered one of Oguta's finest. It attracted parents from nearby communities who brought their children there. I remember some girls from Mgbidi, such as Ada and Chinasa, among others.

These students consistently arrived at school by vehicle.

Obim and Chinonso were known for their rough play during breaks, often insisting that other pupils seek their permission before engaging in the common childhood activity of building sand houses.

The duo's behavior deteriorated over time, showing disrespect towards not only their seniors but also their teachers.

They were notorious for causing disturbances in the classroom, resulting in the class prefect, Ada, frequently listing Obim and his friend as noise makers.

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Some days begin with reflections on the past, while others are filled with visions of the future.

Obim resides in a compound situated very close to his workplace. He is a young man known for his quiet demeanor, preferring to keep to himself and abstain from meddling in others' affairs.

No matter how much one tries to steer clear of trouble, there might be those who harbor ill will towards you, even if you haven't wronged them in any way.

Obim's neighbor, who operates a nearby shop, inquired about the availability of a toilet intended for shop use. When Obim informed him there wasn't one, the neighbor further questioned if the toilet in the adjacent apartment could be used for the shops. Obim clarified that it couldn't, as it belonged to the apartment and was for its tenants' use.

Days later, the man stormed into Obim's office, demanding the key to the toilet. Despite Obim's polite clarification that the shops did not have a designated toilet, the man, in frustration, broke into Obim's apartment with a hammer and damaged the external door that also led to the toilet.

The incident left Obim in disbelief, particularly because the man was a pastor and his wife a prophetess; he had not expected such behavior from them.

This event marked the onset of their dispute.

 The Story of Obim (Part 7)


Written by


Engr. Stanley

June 5, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024




Being truthful often demands considerable sacrifice, as it can lead to offense and critique from others.

A woman approached Obim, requesting his services to design and print a Marriage Certificate for her.

Right from their initial meeting, Obim sensed that the woman was deceitful about the circumstances surrounding the loss of her marriage certificate.

Though producing a new certificate wouldn't pose a challenge for Obim, he is a young man of high integrity.

The woman professed to be a member of a church in Oguta, naming it "The Lord's Freedom Church."

When Obim requested the church's detailed address, she was unable to provide it, offering instead a series of unconvincing excuses. "Madam, please, could you at least provide the church's logo?" he asked, but she declined.

She left only her contact number behind, promising to furnish the requested details later.

After a lapse of four working days, she returned to Obim for the same service.

"Greetings, madam. It's been a while since we last communicated," Obim remarked.

She explained, "Ah yes, a friend suggested I switch to 'Catholic Church' instead of the previously mentioned one."

Obim inquired, "Does the church authority know about this marriage certificate?"

Her inability to provide a clear explanation and retorting, "If you can't do the job, just say so," strongly indicated her intent to forge the document.

Confronted with her evasion, Obim definitively stated, "Madam, perhaps it's best you seek assistance elsewhere, as I wish to avoid any involvement in forgery."

Reflecting on his past experiences in computer-related services, Obim's decision was firmly rooted in honesty.

 The Story of Obim (Part 6)

Written by

Engr. Stanley


June 4th, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024



A Day Unlike Any Other

In the heart of the vibrant community of Egwe, Obim, a dedicated writer, found himself confronting an unexpected decision on the morning of the 30th of May 2024. The news had spread like wildfire through the town: a sit-at-home order had been declared, urging residents to remain indoors amid growing tensions. The streets, usually bustling with the day's early risers and the melodies of distant hawkers, lay eerily silent, as if the very air held its breath in anticipation.

Despite the unsettling quiet, Obim chose defiance. The thought of succumbing to idleness was a fate he could not entertain. "Each day might have similarities but have their uniqueness," he would often say, a mantra that guided his resolve. Finding solitude in his office, Obim decided to immerse himself in his writing, chronicling life experiences with a fervor that the looming uncertainty outside could not dampen.

As the day unfolded, an unsettling presence descended upon Egwe. The security outfit known locally as Tiger-Base made a rare appearance in the area, their presence in nearby Oguta Town prompting a detour through Egwe, close to where Obim's sanctuary of creativity was nestled. The sight of these men, interrogating unsuspecting passersby, cast a shadow over the community, igniting fears of what their presence forebode for the day to follow.

Obim's interactions that day, albeit few, were laced with an undercurrent of tension. People spoke in hushed tones, their words a mixture of rumors and warnings about the consequences of defiance. Yet, amidst this climate of fear, Obim's resolve remained unshaken. His choice to continue working, to not let the day's unease halt his progress, was a silent act of resistance.

As nightfall approached and the stirrings of the community began to fade, thoughts of the next day weighed heavily on the minds of Egwe's residents. The anticipation of the sit-at-home's impact, the uncertainty of the security outfit's intentions, and the silent hope for normalcy's swift return were the silent whispers that danced through the night.

But in his office, surrounded by the comforting clutter of his life's work, Obim found peace. The events of the day, while unsettling, had fueled his writing, each word a testament to the resilience of spirit. In the end, it was not just a story of defiance but a reflection on the strength found in the pursuit of purpose, in the face of adversity.

The Story of Obim (Part 5)


  THE STORY OF MMA EPISODE 35 Daily Life Experience Written by: Engineer Stanley My daughter, I sincerely apologize for my actions during ...